Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil in Glass Jar, 32 Ounce

SKU: 74658a37b82a Category:

Product Description

xtra Virgin Coconut Oil in Glass Jar, 32 Ounce

About Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil: Our expeller-pressed coconut oil is the most concentrated form of coconut and is also the most potent and medicinal. Coconut oil is the powerhouse of the coconut.It has long been recognized in Ayurvedic tradition for health and healing, and most of the South Pacific population has used coconut oil for both culinary and medicinal purposes for thousands of years.Coconut oil has a high flash point for cooking, and is much more resistant to oxidation and rancidity than other plant oils. Use coconut oil in any culinary application, cooked or raw, and don’t forget to use it externally for its moisturizing benefits! Potential Health Benefits of Coconut Oil: ~ Coconut oil is high in antioxidants.~ Coconut oil is excellent massage oil that acts as an effective moisturizer on all types of skin, including dry skin.~ It contains 50% lauric acid, which helps in actively preventing various heart problems like high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.~ It strengthens the immune system.Suggested Uses: Use for cooking, oil pulling, skin and hair care, or adding healthy fat to coffee or smoothies. About Terrasoul Superfoods: Our mission at Terrasoul Superfoods is to distribute the freshest, most nutrient-dense foods grown with integrity in healthy soils on sustainable, organic farms. Working in close partnership with our suppliers enables us to offer the highest quality ingredients at a superior value.Find us on Instagram and Facebook for tips on how to use our ingredients and superfood recipes.
